How To Use Dropship Spy Tools To Reach $1K Daily Sales




Apr 9, 2024

Studies suggest that finding a winning product is the most crucial step toward running a successful dropshipping business. So, what constitutes a winning...

How To Use Dropship Spy Tools To Reach $1K Daily Sales

For most dropshippers, reaching $1K in daily sales is the ultimate proof of concept. But many quit dropshipping before ever reaching this goal.

Without the proper tools and strategies, you’ll burn through your budget testing different products and playing catch-up with competitors. 

That’s where dropshipping spy tools come in handy. In this guide, we’ll show you how to use these spy tools to steal your competitor’s revenue and easily reach $1K in daily sales. Let’s get started!

The Fundamental Strategy For Using Dropship Spy Tools

Finding success with a spy tool requires you to learn dropshipping fundamentals. Here are the five fundamental and actionable strategies that any dropshipper can apply in their stores:

Leverage Dropshipping Spy Tools to Find Winning Products

Dropshipping spy tools show your competitor’s most profitable products. Choose a spy tool with advanced search filters, like WinningHunter, to help you find winning products in various niches. 

WinningHunter can filter by ad spend to show how much competitors are spending on a creative for a product. You can also see how much revenue a single creative has made. 

Here’s an example of a winning product in the pet niche. 

After finding a winning product, you can also look for competitors running active ad campaigns for the same product or its variations. 

WinningHunter saw that only three stores sell the same product with the same creatives. That means competition is low. 

Each store has been actively running ads for over seven days, making these products sure-fire winners. The next step is to visit the stores’ websites, download their product images, and do an image search to find suppliers for the product.

Find Trustworthy Suppliers

Most dropshippers get suppliers from sites like Alibaba, AliExpress, or CJDropshipping. One minor issue is that AliExpress doesn’t have an image search feature. 

To solve this, you can use tools like AliSeeks. It’s a Chrome extension that allows us to right-click on an image and search AliExpress by image. 

You can also look up keywords related to the winning products you found. If you can’t find the exact product, try its variations. Just ensure there’s a demand for them. 

Conduct Market Research to Corroborate Data From Spy Tools

The best way to ensure sales demand is to corroborate data from your spy tools with market research data from tools like Google Trends.

Let’s use the personalized tumbler again as an example. 

People have been looking for personalized tumblers even within the past week. The data also shows a potential rising trend you can capitalize on. 

Do In-Depth Competitor Analysis

In-depth competitor analysis helps you discover best practices of successful stores and even helps guide the direction of your store in the near future. 

Let’s use WinningHunter again to do an in-depth competitor analysis of the store selling the personalized tumbler.

The store has found success in the personalized pet accessory niche and is already scaling three winning products. 

Since the store is scaling these products, competition is still low. You can take advantage by analyzing marketing gaps, producing better creatives, and testing the product yourself. 

Steal Marketing Best Practices and Iterate

Finding winning products alone will not generate sales—marketing will. WinningHunter lets you see the creative, ad copy, and CTA competitors use for an ad set. 

The store selling the personalized tumbler only has the price and CTA as the ad copy. You can improve the copy to make it engaging and persuasive or use another creative. 

You can also go on TikTok and find videos of similar products. If you find a video on TikTok Creative Center, WinningHunter can remove the watermarks. 

Why Do Dropshippers Fail Even With Spy Tools?

According to DSM, only 10-20% of dropshipping businesses survive the first year. If you want to succeed in dropshipping and hit $1K in daily sales, watch out for the following pitfalls:

Focusing on the Wrong Niche 

Market research is as vital as product research because some winning products in specific niches won’t sell in certain regions. 

Use your dropshipping spy tools to see where competitors are finding success. Then, try to find new regions with lower competition and promote your winning products there. 

Your interest and knowledge in the niche also affect how you promote the product. If you deeply understand a niche, you could reposition your marketing to target unconsidered needs. 

Running Ads on the Wrong Platform

Facebook is one of the most profitable platforms for promoting your dropshipping products. However, there will be cases when a product performs better on TikTok than on Facebook. 

WinningHunter has access to TikTok ad filters to help you find winning products. You can even use videos from the TikTok Creatives Center and remove watermarks with WinningHunter. 

Demographics also differ between platforms. For example, 78% of Gen Z use TikTok in the U.S. alone. Meanwhile, most Facebook users are between 25 and 34 years old

Selling Products with Low Perceived Value

Selling a $5 product for $20 in your dropshipping store is a 4x gross profit. But, you must also consider the overhead for site maintenance, transaction fees, and daily ad spend. 

These costs burn through revenue fast. Most dropshippers recommend selling products worth $20 and above, which allows for safer margins as you scale sales volume. 

When doing competitor research with WinningHunter, you gain access to in-depth competitor sales data, allowing you to filter out products with low perceived value. 

Key Takeaways

To achieve $1K in daily sales from dropshipping, you have to leverage the right spy tools, follow fundamental strategies, and avoid common pitfalls. Here’s a recap of the fundamentals:

  • Use dropship spy tools like WinningHunter to find winning products

  • Find quality suppliers for the winning products or its variants

  • Conduct market research to confirm sales demand

  • Do in-depth competitor analysis

  • Find gaps in your competitor’s marketing and iterate on their best practices

Dropshipping is a competitive business that requires extensive testing. With WinningHunter, your competition does the work for you. Try WinningHunter for free today

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